Picture of me

Lillian Ruby Rose 🏳️‍⚧️ | it/her

I'm a Software Engineer currently looking for a job!

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About me

I'm 20-years-old, disabled, Autistic (L2), and some other things, but that's just some of what makes me who I am.

I'm a big dork, I have an insatiable curiosity when it comes to technology, I love making software, and breaking software.

I 💜 reverse engineering, game hacking, creating experiences, and backend systems in general.

I 💜 programming languages like: Rust, Kotlin, Gleam, Zig, C#

I have a lot of experience in programming languages like: C++, Rust, Java, Kotlin

I have some experience in programming languages like: C, D, Zig, x86 Assembly, C#, TypeScript/Javascript, Elixir

Here's an SVG of my cat Amber, made manually with SVG paths by my friend Maya.

my cat amber as an svg

And here's a JPEG of my cat Amber :)

my cat amber